March 24, 2015

Nasta Kar ke Jana!!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We should have breakfast like a king and dinner like a beggar but we mostly end up doing the opposite. We eat something not so nutritious and filling for breakfast mostly due to lack of time. Some people skip breakfast to lose weight, however it’s proven that having healthy breakfast everyday helps in reducing weight and stops us from over eating throughout the day.  I like continental breakfast, where I should have wide verity of fruits, cereals and juices to choose from. My husband likes Indian breakfast options like idly, poha, dhokla etc. When I used to stay with my parents my mom used to make sure that no one leaves home without having breakfast. But now being a working woman I don’t get time to cook breakfast every day. I know the importance of healthy breakfast but in the mad rush of reaching office on time we mostly end up skipping our breakfast. I know that cornflakes or any other cereals are a good option for quick and healthy breakfast, but eating the same type of cereal everyday is so boring. My husband specially hates cornflakes because he feels he cannot eat the same thing every day.

I delivered a baby 3 weeks back, and now I am a busy new mom. I am on my maternity leave so in a way I am not going to office and expectations are that I cook some nice breakfast for my husband every day. However things are totally different when you are a mother of a newborn, my baby takes all my time and attention and staying away from him for more than 10 minutes is not possible for me. That’s why I was looking for quick and easy breakfast options and whiling searching for same I met Gupta ji’s family, who is famous for their breakfast options. They eat healthy cornflakes for their breakfast every day, but with a yummy twist. Though the main ingredient is cereal but there is a delicious variation in their breakfast everyday, which makes each day’s breakfast special and different. They serve the same old cornflakes in many different variations like choco mint, banana cinnamon, strawberry etc. They also make tasty payasam, healthy salads and delicious shakes with cornflakes. Can you believe that the same old boring cornflakes can be served in so many different ways? This makes sure that you get the taste and verity in your breakfast everyday without compromising on the nutrition factor. After seeing the breakfast menu of Gupta ji’s family I certainly want to go to their home for breakfast J

Using the awesome recipes the Gupta’s have to share using the kellogg’s cornflakes, everyone can have healthy start for the day. Healthy start of the day with healthy breakfast will ensure a good energetic day throughout.


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